The Reason Why Series
"Lesson One: The Reason Why!", Acts 3:1-10 - September 9, 2020
"Lesson Two: The Reason for Praise", Acts 3:1-10 - September 16, 2020
"Lesson Three: The Reason for Faith", Acts 3:11-16 - September 23, 2020
"Lesson Four: The Reason to Repent", Acts 3:17-26 - September 30, 2020
"Lesson Five: The Reason to be Saved", Acts 4:1-12 - October 7, 2020
"Lesson Six: The Reason to Stand Out", Acts 4:13-22 - October 14, 2020
"Lesson Seven: The Reason to Pray for Boldness", Acts 4:23-31 - October 21, 2020